B.B.B. (Bulky Bobbly Bag)
Big is beautiful. When it comes to yarn and knitting needles, big is very fast too. That’s a good thing when you want to knit a bag – and don’t need a time consuming project. So big yarn and big needles are used for this B.B.B. (Bulky Bobbly Bag).
Of course there is more to this bag than just being quick. The bobbly texture makes it an interesting knit too. The bobbles are shaped using a special 4 stitch increase. Don’t worry, it’s very easy. Even when worked in very bulky yarn!

36 x 44 cm (sides and bottom 7 cm wide)

Brown: 9 sts/13 rows = 4" (10 cm) in stockinet stitch
Red: 9 sts/16 rows = 4" (10 cm) in stockinet stitch
This bag is knit flat, because of the bulky yarn and large needle size. (Most knitters don’t have circular needles that big and long). Start knitting at the bottom and proceed with the bag front and one side strip. After the front is finished, pick up stitches from the bottom and knit the other the side of the bag.
Inc4: Purl 5 sts out of 1 like this: purl a stitch, but don’t slip it off the needle. Leave it on and make a yarn over. Repeat st and yo once. Make a final st and slip the loop off.
Dec4: Decrease 1 stitch out of 5 like this: s2, k1, psso, k2tog, pkso.
Pkso: pass knitted stitch(es) over
Psso: pass slipped stitch(es) over
This is an easy pattern to knit, once you’ve got the hang of the inc’s and the dec’s.
But because the bobbles are placed randomly over the bag, you might lose track in the written instructions. Charting this pattern on the other hand would be very complex, as the chart would have show the total bag. Therefore I drew a simple schedule that shows you where to increase and where to decrease, once in every seven rounds. (If you want the chart anyway, you can use the chart for the Tortora hat in Knitty first fall 2011)
For Red Bag: after third bobble rows, repeat bobble rows 1 and 2 one more time to achieve lenght of 45/45 cm.